All Our Worlds: Diverse Fantastic Fiction

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2 books by Katrin Hyman Tchana

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Changing Woman and Her Sisters
by Katrin Hyman Tchana
This celebration of feminine power, beauty, and complexity tells the stories of ten goddesses from cultures the world over. There is tremendous variety in this volume including the stories of Kuay Yin, the compassionate Buddhist goddess; Durga, the fierce Hindu warrior goddess; lx Chel, an ancient Mayan goddess; Changing Woman, the man-faceted Navajo deity, and more. Each story in this dynamic collection is accompanied by an exquisite portrait by the late, supremely gifted illustrator Trina Schart Hyman.
International goddess myths
setting, multiple culture, , race MULTIPLE, Unspecified 2006 MG

The Serpent Slayer
by Katrin Hyman Tchana
This volume is an anthology of 18 stories about heroines with as much courage, wit and intelligence as their more familiar male counterparts. It includes Li Chi, the serpent slayer, and the old woman sly enough to outsmart the devil.
Women of many cultures
setting, multiple culture, , race MULTIPLE, Unspecified 2001 MG

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